The News…

This journey began in June after a CT scan for something entirely different that ended up being a fatty deposit.

Whoa, What?

Dr. McLeod, our local hero who is probably the best we have ever had is very conscientious when it comes to things. That’s what you want with your doctor, right? Well, the CT scan was a surprise for us and put our minds into another dimension. “Your left side looks OK, there is nothing there, but there is a spot on your liver, Are you feeling OK?” Trust me, you do not want to hear this and for many reasons for us as a family. If you’re not familiar with the history and epilepsy journey of daughter…let’s get you up to speed some. See, our daughter was diagnosed with a rare form of epilepsy back when she just a bit over 2 years old. It took Texas Children’s a couple of years to determine the issue and decide on what treatment was best to do after 4 years of many hospital stays for tests, 14 different medications, and two different infusion treatments. Until God stepped in and sent Dr. Riviello… and brain surgery soon followed. Once this was complete our little girl seemed to improve! OK, so 6.5 years later, BAM, the seizures started again which was about 2 weeks before the, “Are you feeling OK?” question from the doc.

So here we are, about to start another round of visits with the neurologist at Texas Children’s to determine what to do about Kayden AND Dena has been diagnosed with Bile Duct / Liver Cancer. To be exact, it is called Cholangiocarcinoma.

Many things to overcome still from a financial perspective after this type of news. Even though we DO have insurance, unfortunately MD Anderson did not accept it. Let me go back to 2018 real quick…My dad had been diagnosed with colon, renal, lung and bone cancer. I spent many hours with him during his last few months of life and this was all while Kayden was in Texas Children’s having 2 brain surgeries! Before he passed, he said “Son, the only regret I have is not going to MD Anderson.” He decided to stay close to home, most likely to not put anyone out to assist in his treatments. Dena and I never forgot that. We’re prayerful that God will make a way for her to go to MD Anderson.

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